Friday, 10 September 2021

Own Design Character Profile

LI: To create a character profile

Our challenge was to design our own anime/manga character. Our next challenge was to draw the character on our chromebooks or on paper. I chose to draw my character on google draw because it was easy.

Our final challenge was to write a paragraph that describes our character.

I enjoyed this because i learn how to desing my own character.

Character Excitement Chart

This week we did our anime about Character Excitement Chart. The Character Excitement Chart was about the action and emotions of your 6 sentences story. For example Sad because kirby only has one friend.

List poem

LI: To write a list poem that describes your favourite anime character by painting a picture with your words.

This week we did list poem a list poem is listing things and trying to do it in an exciting way.
My list poem was about kirby my own anime character .

Cinquain Poem

LI: To write a cinquain poem that describes a character from your favourite online game

This week for our anime work we did a Cinquain Poem A Cinquain Poem is having 1 noun, 2 adjectives 3 verbs, noun phrase and a synonym for a example kirby, strong, fearless, hunting, eating, sining star of fighting, enemy, minute. 

LI: To write a cinquain poem that describes a character from your favourite online game

LI: To write a cinquain poem that describes a character from your favourite online game

LI: To write a cinquain poem that describes a character from your favourite online game



This week we made anime map about desinging our own anime character 

First i added the character kirby,bad kirby and gooey. Then i added trees around the map so it looks realicst. Lastest i added house, kirby house and the village.

This activity was fun because i now know hot to desing objects.

Thursday, 9 September 2021

Manga Comic

LI: To illustrate our writing in the style of anime/manga

Our challenge today was to turn the events in our 6 sentence stories into a manga comic strip. I collaborated with no one which I enjoyed because i desing my own anime.

This activity was cool because i know how to make anime character

6 sentences story

LI: Use 6 sentences to set up the structure of a narrative

To help us put our learning this week together we were asked to write a 6 sentence story. This story will be used as the text in our manga comic DLO.

Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Anime/Manga Character Profile

LI: To create a character profile

Our challenge was to choose our favourite anime/manga character. Our next challenge was to draw the character on our chromebooks or on paper. I chose to draw my character on google draw because it was easy

Our final challenge was to write a paragraph that describes our character and explains why this character is your favourite

I enjoyed this because i love anime

Manga artist

LI: To read for meaning and understanding

Our challenge today was to use our smart searching skills to create a DLO in our own words that tells us about the life of our favourite manga artist or a well known manga artist.

A fact I found interesting is about kazuo koike because that he made the 

The history of manga

LI: To read for meaning and understanding

Our challenge today was to complete a reading comprehension about the history of Manga to show that we are reading for meaning and understanding. Our final challenge in this activity was to create a DLO to share the information we found out.

A fact I found interesting is was because the first anime was astro boy


 This week i did an three second animation for are anime or manga work. 

I did a kirby animation.

Wednesday, 1 September 2021

Summary Customised Shoes

LI: To explain in fewer words what the text is about.

Are challenge was about create a summary about a artist creating custom shoes we write 20 word about the article,We choose 6 imporatant and make a sentences about the words we pick. Lastly the fun activity we did is to customise our own shoes on a DLO.

Recreating Famous Artworks

LI: To use Google Draw to recreate a famous artwork

LI: To use your knowledge of colour and colour mixing to replicate the colours used in the artworks.

This week we have been learning about famous artworks and colour mixing. The artwork I chose was the strarry night by Vincent Van Gogh This artwork was painted in 1889 Today it can be found in museum of modern art in New York.

I enjoyed this challenge because i learn lots of facts about Vincent Van Gogh


LI: To define the terms and understand the properties of 2D shapes.

Our challenge today was to find the definitions of a 2D shape then draw the shape. I chose to draw my own/use the shapes tool because…

I found this activity good because i learn lots of geomerty angel.