Thursday, 20 May 2021


LI: To strengthen connections to technology

We have been learning about technological practice. This week we have been learning about the 6 processes of Technological Design and how each one is important in the process of designing a product.
We are using the processes of technological practices to design and build a rubber band- powered rover that can scramble across the floor. 

I found this interesting because i find more facts about mars rover.

Monday, 17 May 2021

How to save money

LI: Learn how to save money and spend money

What is a bank? A bank is storing your money and saving it.

Marlon is a structure to learn how to save money or spend money and work for ABS Getwise is a bank

We play a game call a holiday of Fiji the main of the game is getting the most points of spending money your group start with $1800 you spending on passport, plane, Hotel, activity and food you can buy  anything but if your group have no money you get a credit card you can buy poor things or nothing and rich things.

Thursday, 6 May 2021

Isaac Newton | Reading/Science

LI: To learn about Isaac Newton

This week in Reading, LS2 has been working towards Simple Machines. Apart of this, we were required to learn about Isaac Newton. Isaac Newton is a physicist, mathematician, theologian and a Astronomer. We were also required to create a DLO with the following questions: Why is his work important? What did he find out? How does his work connect to simple machines?

I found this activity hard because I dont know much about Isaac Newton

LI: To learn about Isaac Newton