Friday, 29 May 2020


Ancient Egyptian numbers are pictures

  • The short rope is the ones
  • The long rope is the tens
  • The coils is the hundreds
  • The flower is the thousands
  • The finger is the ten thousands
  • The frog is the hundreds thousands
  • And the person is the millon.
To make 2621 use:
  • one short rope
  • two long ropes
  • six coils
  • two fingers


LI: to count using hand action for different place value


LI-To use and understand vocabulary

What I learnt about is verbs and adjective. What I did is i have to read a book call Dad snore the story was about  dad was snore and around the house and woke up his family. We have to find verbs and adjective then we did past,present and future. Then we have to write a story but you can't use the word snore what i did was kids at school.

Properties of Sound

Sound is created by shaking things. Sound has 3 properties , which are:

Sound can travel around corners. Sound was recorded around a corner from the source

Sound travels in all directions. As Mr Wong beeped his phone in all directions, the sound meter was around the same decebals.

Sound dissipates ( gets quieter ) as it travels. The decibels on a sound meter closer to you are louder than one further away from you.

LI: to observe the properties of the sound

Friday, 22 May 2020


LI-To use and understand vocabulary

For reading I learned about keywords. We have to read a book and find keywords and it was call a good idea. Then we have to do past,present and future and some words what they mean and what the animals name in maori. Then we have to do what happened at the book beginning,middle and the end if we done than we do a who,how,when,what,why and where.What happened and what was the story about.

Light and sound

LI: to demonstrate prior knowledge

I found light and sound pictures for inquiry. We go on Google drawing and we have to find 20 photos at pixabay and drag them to the middle. We have to put in 10 each in sound and light. When we have 20 photos. We write about them in sound and light in the text box and about how they make light and sound.

Thursday, 21 May 2020

Correct Sentence

LT-to write a complete and correct sentences

 Capital letter when put the first sentence you start and places,holaday and name

Fanboy is conjunction in a sentence like, but ,then, so,for,and,yet and Nor

Homophone sound the same but different like your and you're

Punctuation is a symbol but it use in sentences

Here is a "explain" What a you're doing here at night?

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Number Sentence Order

Maths problems are writing in a special order called a number sentence.

The first number in a number sentence tells the number of object a person has.

The second number in the number sentence tells number that is added or subtracted.

Number sentences can not change otherwise the whole meaning changes.

LI: to learn the order of subtraction.

Friday, 8 May 2020

Anzac day

                                        Today i did reading about anzac day and i made a photo and some word to yours my first world was anzac the people who died at war lest we forget them and i hade 20 words on it and we have to put photo so it about anzac day.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

explorers and adventurers

Today i did inquiry about explorers and Adventurers are people who travel the world and discover new things. adventurers people who take part on the onw Explorers people are people who travel the world and discover new things. and both mens they are do the same thing about explorers and adventurers and i talk about sir edmund hillary a NZ mountain climbed he was a climber before he died he climb the high mountain in NZ he died because of heart attack for climb the mountain over and over again he was born on 20 july of 1912 about explorers and adventurers.